2024 Fall Tournament – Unlimited Package

Registration is closed, but you can sign up at the tournament.

San Ramon Marriott
2600 Bishop Drive
San Ramon, CA

Tournament Schedule

Sunday, November 17, 2024

San Ramon Marriott
2600 Bishop Drive
San Ramon, CA

Tournament Schedule

Registration: $180

This tournament is sanctioned by the United States Kuo Shu Federation and the International Bok Fu Do Association.

If you would like a Tournament T-shirt orders must be placed by Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Tournament T-Shirt

Price: $30.00

Qty: Youth Small

Qty: Youth Medium

Qty: Youth Large

Qty: Adult Small

Qty: Adult Medium

Qty: Adult Large

Qty: Adult X Large

You can buy this item separately from our Tournament Add-On Products shop.


Spectator Tickets

Registered competitor will receive one spectator ticket. Additional spectator tickets can be purchased here at a discount (door-price will be $15).

Price: $10.00


You can buy this item separately from our Tournament Add-On Products shop.

Tournament Events

Self Defense Techniques (All Ranks & Ages)

Mass Attack (All Ranks & Ages)

Tai Chi Form (Beginner)

Tai Chi Form (Intermediate)

Tai Chi Weapon

Kata Set (All ranks ages 6+, 6 & under Orange belts and higher)

Kenpo Weapon (ie. Staff Set 1, Staff Set 2, nunchucks)

Light Contact (Must be attending the Light Contact Class)

Traditional Chinese Open Hand Form (ie. Primary Fist, Plum Flower Fist)

Traditional Chinese Short Weapon

Traditional Chinese Long Weapon

Traditional Chinese Other Weapon

You MUST sign up for these events with a partner.

Two Person Open Hand Set

Two Person Weapon Set

Three Person Group Tai Chi

Participation Agreement


I, the undersigned, knowingly, without duress, do voluntarily submit my entry into the 2024 Fall International Bok Fu Do Association Kuo Shu Championship sanctioned by the International Bok Fu Do Association (IBFDA) and the Unites States Chinese Kuoshu Federation, Inc. (USKSF). I assume all risk of personal, physical, and mental disabilities, injuries, death or losses, which may result from participating in this tournament. Acting for myself, my heirs, personal representatives, and assignees, I do hereby release Huang Chien-Liang, the USKSF, Richard Lee, the IBFDA, East West Kung-Fu, their officials, agents, employees, and all other related members or sponsors or corporations, from liability due to any injuries I may receive, or my death and any resulting legal claims, actions, suits, or controversies. I also understand that there is a great risk of injury or even death involved in all competitive divisions, particularly in fighting events, and I assume full responsibility for all of my actions, activities, or omissions during and in connection with the tournament. I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the rules of this tournament, and accept all responsibility and associated liability for infringement of such rules. Additionally, I am fully aware of my personal medical condition and hereby certify that I am mentally and physically fit to compete. I also understand that any images taken of me during the tournament may be used on the East West website, the IBFDA website, and/or for marketing and advertising purposes.

I Agree

Total $115.00

Sunday, January 12, 2025 05:13:28 PM