August 24th 2024 Rank Intensive

Join us for a Rank Intensive dedicated to purple and advanced purple belts! We will be dedicating two hours to teaching and perfecting your material to get you ready for your next level. This is the perfect opportunity to work with our world class Black Belt Instructors to get the feedback you need to progress to your next rank! This intensive seminar is open to all purple and advanced purple belt students ages 9 and up. All attendees must have their rank certified through the IBFDA.

Any students who register on or before July 31st can also attend a small group follow-up lesson in the week following the seminar. 

Rank Intensive will take place at the San Ramon East West school from 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM on Saturday, August 24th. Space is limited and registration closes August 22nd, so sign up today! 

Sunday, January 12, 2025 03:44:30 PM